WISCONSIN RAPIDS – The City of Wisconsin Rapids has kicked-off the downtown master plan project. This plan will be the culmination of outreach/stakeholder engagement efforts and will identify overarching themes, catalytic projects, and opportunities, which will result in a detailed implementation plan.
The City hired a consultant, Bolton & Menk, to lead the project and conduct the planning process. The goal of the planning process is to provide a vision for the City’s downtown and tactical strategies and recommendations to realize this vision. These strategies and recommendations will include planning for land development and redevelopment, transportation infrastructure, and placemaking. The consultant recently visited the City in May to tour the community and conduct focus group meetings. They will return for a second visit in the summer to conduct additional public engagement activities. City staff will also be in the community at local events, such as the Farmer’s Market and Lunch by the River, to obtain input and feedback from residents, visitors and businesses, as well as share resources for the project. Further Plan details can be found at the project page below. In addition, a public engagement platform has been created to share topics, ideas, and questions relating to the downtown. New topics and ideas will be posted every other week. All are invited to participate in the online engagement platform or at an upcoming meeting. It is with this input that a strong vision and mission can be crafted for the downtown which ensures its vibrancy and vitality decades into the future. For more information on the downtown master plan, visit the webpages below, and follow the city's social media platforms to stay up to date with the project. Project Page: https://www.wirapids.org/downtown-master-plan.html Public Engagement Platform: https://wisconsinrapids.mindmixer.com/ More information: [email protected] Comments are closed.
January 2025