The Foundry
"The Foundry" site at 330 9th Avenue South, formerly owned by Northern Steel Castings, has a history of foundry operations and was impacted by fire in 2016. Since the fire, the site has remained vacant. Residents in the community and surrounding neighborhoods have voiced their concerns about the site and have asked the city to clean up the site. The property was acquired by Wood County in 2023, via the tax foreclosure process. The City of Wisconsin Rapids plans to acquire the site after a Phase I Environmental Assessment is completed.
Phase 1 ESA
The City has applied for grant funding through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to conduct a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA).
The site assessment would evaluate the property's environmental conditions and assess potential liability for any contamination. The city plans to leverage the funding when applying for Wisconsin Economic Development Corporations Site Assessment Grant to assist with potential asbestos abatement and demolition of the structures on site. Additional funding is anticipated through the DNR for a Phase 2 ESA, which includes soil testing and remediation planning.
Revitalization Plan and Site Redevelopment
The city received an EPA Brownfields and Land Revitalization CERCLA 128(a) Technical Assistance ("TAG") from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in 2024. The grant will be used to draft a redevelopment plan for the Foundry site. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program on behalf of the state of Wisconsin, will act as the designated agency receiving the grant and implementing the work. The city is working collaboratively with the EPA, the WDNR, and the contracted environmental consultant, Vita Nuova to draft the reuse assessment. See the final plan below!
Community Workshop
The workshop hosted by Vita Nuova, the city, WDNR, and EPA held on July 11th at City Hall was an opportunity for community members to get involved in the redevelopment plan for the Foundry. The presentation slides are available for viewing below:
Community Workshop PowerPoint Presentation
Final Preliminary Reuse Assessment
The final report was completed in September 2024 and is available by clicking the link below:
Reuse Assessment Northern Steel Castings
"The Foundry" site at 330 9th Avenue South, formerly owned by Northern Steel Castings, has a history of foundry operations and was impacted by fire in 2016. Since the fire, the site has remained vacant. Residents in the community and surrounding neighborhoods have voiced their concerns about the site and have asked the city to clean up the site. The property was acquired by Wood County in 2023, via the tax foreclosure process. The City of Wisconsin Rapids plans to acquire the site after a Phase I Environmental Assessment is completed.
Phase 1 ESA
The City has applied for grant funding through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to conduct a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA).
The site assessment would evaluate the property's environmental conditions and assess potential liability for any contamination. The city plans to leverage the funding when applying for Wisconsin Economic Development Corporations Site Assessment Grant to assist with potential asbestos abatement and demolition of the structures on site. Additional funding is anticipated through the DNR for a Phase 2 ESA, which includes soil testing and remediation planning.
Revitalization Plan and Site Redevelopment
The city received an EPA Brownfields and Land Revitalization CERCLA 128(a) Technical Assistance ("TAG") from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in 2024. The grant will be used to draft a redevelopment plan for the Foundry site. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program on behalf of the state of Wisconsin, will act as the designated agency receiving the grant and implementing the work. The city is working collaboratively with the EPA, the WDNR, and the contracted environmental consultant, Vita Nuova to draft the reuse assessment. See the final plan below!
Community Workshop
The workshop hosted by Vita Nuova, the city, WDNR, and EPA held on July 11th at City Hall was an opportunity for community members to get involved in the redevelopment plan for the Foundry. The presentation slides are available for viewing below:
Community Workshop PowerPoint Presentation
Final Preliminary Reuse Assessment
The final report was completed in September 2024 and is available by clicking the link below:
Reuse Assessment Northern Steel Castings
The Foundry site located at 330 9th Avenue South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI.