Functions of the Mayor
Mayor > Functions of the Mayor
Mayor > Functions of the Mayor
The Mayor is the chief executive officer and the chief elected official of the City, and is responsible for the administration and management of the City. In this role, the Mayor provides visionary and strategic direction for City and community initiatives. The Mayor presides over City Council meetings, may exercise veto authority of legislation and votes in the case of a tie-vote. The Mayor presides over Common Council meetings, serves as chair of the Planning Commission, Airport Commission, member of the Park and Recreation Commission, School Crossing Guard Committee and makes several appointments to various boards and commissions. The term of office is two years and is a nonpartisan office.
- Appoints and supervises Department Heads;
- Appoints members to boards and committees;
- Provides legislative research support;
- Addresses constituent concerns;
- Prepares and submits annually an Executive City budget to the Common Council for review and approval;
- Represents the interests of the City at the local, state and federal level; and
- Promotes the City through representation at community events.