City's Response to Verso Corporation's Plan to Idle Operations at Wisconsin Rapids Mill
Resources and Impact Mitigation
Resources and Impact Mitigation
The City of Wisconsin Rapids is working with key partners and organizations to address the immediate and long-term impacts of Verso Corporation’s plan to idle operations at their Wisconsin Rapids mill. The Wisconsin Rapids Together Task Force, created by Senator Testin and Representative Krug, is a bipartisan task force of concerned public officials at the local, state and federal level; community organizations; and industry representatives who are working together to help the community rebound. They developed three working committees of the task force: Economic Development, Community Response and Forestry. While the public can't participate in task force meetings, all meetings are publicly available to view both, live and recorded. The website for the Task Force provides recordings of past meetings, teleconferencing information for future meetings, and a variety of resources for families and important data for committee members to use in support of their efforts. Learn more at: