Historic preservation is place making through the identification, evaluation, and conservation of components in the built environment that convey historical significance for the enjoyment and education of the community now and in the future.
The City of Wisconsin Rapids has chosen to prioritize historic preservation for the following purposes:
1. Protect, enhance, and preserve historic resources.
2. Safeguard the City's historic and cultural heritage.
3. Stabilize and improve property values.
4. Enhance aesthetics and create a sense of place.
5. Boost tourism and serve as a support and stimulus to business and industry.
6. Foster civic pride in the notable accomplishments of the past.
Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission includes a seven-member commission, consisting of five regular members and two alternates. Members have backgrounds or interest in preservation, construction, architecture, and/or history.
Historic Preservation Ordinance
Chapter 31 - Historic Preservation
Intensive Survey and District Nominations
The City has received grant funding for an intensive survey of the City to identify architectural, archaeological, and historical places important to local history. In this way, we can better understand what districts and individual properties may be good candidates for National or State nomination. These properties would then be eligible for historic tax credits.
A survey was last done in 1996:
Volume 1 Text - Appendices A & B
Volume 2 - Appendix C Copies of Survey Cards
Historic Tax Credits
Once State and Federal designation has been made, 20% Federal and 20% State tax credits are available for income producing properties. State 25% tax credit is available for residential non-income producing properties. Applications must be approved prior to commencing work to receive tax credit.
More information about tax credits for historic building rehabilitation here.
Important Links
National and State Register of Historic Places - Database
Wisconsin Historical Society
Wisconsin Trust for Historic Preservation
Historic preservation is place making through the identification, evaluation, and conservation of components in the built environment that convey historical significance for the enjoyment and education of the community now and in the future.
The City of Wisconsin Rapids has chosen to prioritize historic preservation for the following purposes:
1. Protect, enhance, and preserve historic resources.
2. Safeguard the City's historic and cultural heritage.
3. Stabilize and improve property values.
4. Enhance aesthetics and create a sense of place.
5. Boost tourism and serve as a support and stimulus to business and industry.
6. Foster civic pride in the notable accomplishments of the past.
Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission includes a seven-member commission, consisting of five regular members and two alternates. Members have backgrounds or interest in preservation, construction, architecture, and/or history.
Historic Preservation Ordinance
Chapter 31 - Historic Preservation
Intensive Survey and District Nominations
The City has received grant funding for an intensive survey of the City to identify architectural, archaeological, and historical places important to local history. In this way, we can better understand what districts and individual properties may be good candidates for National or State nomination. These properties would then be eligible for historic tax credits.
A survey was last done in 1996:
Volume 1 Text - Appendices A & B
Volume 2 - Appendix C Copies of Survey Cards
Historic Tax Credits
Once State and Federal designation has been made, 20% Federal and 20% State tax credits are available for income producing properties. State 25% tax credit is available for residential non-income producing properties. Applications must be approved prior to commencing work to receive tax credit.
More information about tax credits for historic building rehabilitation here.
Important Links
National and State Register of Historic Places - Database
Wisconsin Historical Society
Wisconsin Trust for Historic Preservation