The Guardian Angel Program
The Guardian Angel Program is a specialized initiative designed to efficiently register and support people who are disproportionately impacted during power outages, cold weather, and wind events. Focused on the unique challenges posed by extreme weather conditions, the program ensures the swift identification and assistance of people who are disproportionately impacted, such as older adults, disabled people, and people facing economic hardships.
Impacted Populations include people who:
• Have durable medical devices
• Are socially isolated with limited to no support
• Are bed-confined
• Are older adults
• Are disabled
• Have durable medical devices
• Are socially isolated with limited to no support
• Are bed-confined
• Are older adults
• Are disabled
Individuals, family members and case workers can complete the registry for an individual who is considered disproportionately impacted. To complete the Emergency Assistance Request for Wisconsin Rapids, please use the following form:
Emergency Assistant Request Form
Volunteer Request Form
Emergency Assistant Request Form
Volunteer Request Form