Engineering > E Grand Ave Reconstruction
Engineering > E Grand Ave Reconstruction
Project Updates Business Signage Request for Signage
East Grand Ave is proposed for construction in 2019 after years of planning and preparation. The City had been working on plans to revitalize the downtown since 2009, and work started with the West Grand Ave reconstruction project in 2011 and reconstruction of the 8th St S and East Grand Ave intersection in 2017. Funding became available through the State Transportation Program to fund reconstruction of East Grand Ave in 2015 and construction plans have been in development since that time. The work will include new pavement, sidewalk, curb & gutter, landscaping, and underground utilities.
The intent of the web page is to bring awareness to the project, to provide up-to-date project scheduling, project plans and elements, and design elements for businesses and general public awareness.
Contact Information: The City has set up an email address specific to this project at [email protected]
Project Representative: Blake Elsinger, Quest Civil Engineers – 715-572-3666
City Engineer: Joe Eichsteadt, 715-421-8251
Director of Public Works: Joe Terry, 715-421-8255
Public Information Meeting letter
Project Plan Sheets - East Grand Ave (3rd St S to 8th St S)
Project Plan Sheets - East Grand Ave (Grand Ave Bridge to 3rd St S) including 2nd St S (East Grand Ave to Birch St)
Project Summary - East Grand Ave (3rd St S to 8th St S)
Project Summary - East Grand Ave (Grand Ave Bridge to 3rd St S) including 2nd St S (East Grand Ave to Birch St)
Project Schedule Pedestrian Detour Map Vehicle Detour Map
Streetscape Elements