The public works department has been fielding numerous calls asking when spring brush pickup will begin. The regularly scheduled spring brush pick up starts April 22; however, given the amount of material out we will TRY to start earlier (as soon as the snow melts and the brush is not frozen in). We have been generally opening the west side compost site daily from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm for people with storm damage wood to dispose of but have been asking people to call Jenny first to confirm at 421-8218. The website can be a handy reference: There are several crews out working on street cleaning, pothole patching, and preparation for spring construction projects, and those activities will continue for a few weeks. Joseph M. Terry, P.E. Director of Public Works In response to concerns expressed by citizens about street conditions, the City of Wisconsin Rapids offers this update of our work, along with a summary of some of the comments we’ve received from residents.
Here is a summary of citizen concerns, with our responses:
While staff continue patrolling streets to log problem areas, people wishing to report specific flooding locations can contact the City Garage at 715-421-8218. With less than ideal conditions, City team members are doing the best we can to address problem areas. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s patience. Joseph M. Terry, P.E. Director of Public Works |
October 2024