29th Ave Storm Sewer Replacement
Crews completed the project this week. High Street – 7th Ave N to 10th Ave N Roadwork began this week and High Street was marked for closure from 7th Ave N to 10th Ave N. High Street and 7th Ave N intersection is closed to through traffic. The majority of work over the next three weeks with be underground sewer and water replacement on the 700 block of High Street, between 7th Ave N and 8th Ave N. Residents along this piece will not be able to access their driveways until after the utility work is complete. Wastewater force main river crossing Multi-use trail detours are in place for users wanting to cross 2nd Ave S south of the roundabout. Materials have been delivered to the site at Ben Hansen Park and there are two crews working. The pipe crew has stripped topsoil and prepared the site for force main excavation, installed silt fence, and is preparing to dig boring pits to accommodate casing pipe that will be installed underneath 2nd Ave S. The drilling crew has set up a large drilling rig to drill the pilot hole that will start in Ben Hansen Park by the sand volleyball court under the river to Blue Heron Lane. Work next week will include installing the casing under the highway, installing some of the force main piping, and drilling the pilot hole across the river. West Side Lift Station Preliminary site excavation for the west side lift station has commenced. Work has temporarily ceased while calculations are being done to evaluate the rock excavation required to facilitate the lift station structure. Work is expected to resume as soon as the geotechnical evaluations are complete. East River Bank Project The prime contractor Janke Construction, Inc. continued work on the trail underneath the East Riverview Expressway Bridge. They began concrete work; pouring concrete trail from 1st Street S towards Riverwood Lane. They also installed the block retaining wall along Riverwood Lane. Lastly, they completed installation of a storm sewer structure on Riverwood Lane. Next week Janke will continue work underneath the East Riverview Expressway Bridge as they plan to continue work on the trail between 1st Street S and East Riverview Expressway Bridge and may begin trail work in Demitz Park. 1st St N – Poplar St to North City Limits Beam guard modifications are complete near Strawberry Lane. Final work to complete this project includes: trail grading and paving, pedestrian railing, restoration and pavement marking. Construction crews are anticipating completion at the end of May or early June. Washington St – 8th St N to 12th St N The concrete contractor finished the concrete sidewalk and concrete driveway approaches last week. City crews will be performing the final restoration of this project within the next couple weeks. Work is expected to be completed the first week of June.
Street Closing – 3rd Street S, between East Grand Avenue and Birch will be closed to through traffic due to a utility service repair by Water & Light, beginning
(today) 8 a.m. Friday, May 18 and is expected to re-open at 3 p.m later today. Street Closing - 3rd St S (East Grand Ave to Birch St)
November 2024