We are studying the willingness of the public to use bike share services and autonomous vehicles (also called self-driving vehicles, driverless vehicles). The study will help us understand trust in automation, willingness to use automation and prepare for broader adoption and possible integration of autonomous vehicles in our transportation network. Responding to this survey should take about 10 minutes and your participation is very much appreciated and will contribute to gleaning valuable insights.
This survey is being done by the State Smart Transportation Initiative and the Traffic Operations & Safety Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with the support of the City of Wisconsin Rapids. If you have questions about this project, contact Dr. Madhav Chitturi 608-890-2439. Link to survey: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7Vr5wl7eeUEw3rL Comments are closed.
November 2024