WISCONSIN RAPIDS – To further prevent the spread of COVID-19, the City of Wisconsin Rapids City Hall and other City buildings will limit public access, with a few exceptions.
All City departments except two service windows will be CLOSED to the public. The limitations will take effect on Wednesday, Nov. 11, and remain in place until further notice. The Municipal Court Clerk’s office window and the Police Department's service counter window on the first floor of City Hall will remain open. If you need to speak to an officer, the intercom system will be available for use inside the city hall foyer. Additionally, City Fire Stations, the City Garage, the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Centralia Center, Lowell Center and Wisconsin Rapids Community Media will be closed to the public. City staff continues to conduct City business, with an emphasis on public interaction via phone, email and mail. City services such as garbage and recycling pick-up will continue uninterrupted. For more information about how specific departments are handling public business, please visit the City’s COVID-19 information page at wirapids.org/coronavirus or contact the department directly by phone or email. Comments are closed.
January 2025