WISCONSIN RAPIDS – The City of Wisconsin Rapids has developed a new interactive Street Closure Map. In response to common questions about utility repairs and street closures, the new page will map street closures and projects.
Available on the home page of the City’s website wirapids.org by clicking the road work icon, current closures and upcoming planned projects will be shown on the map. There is some road work that may not be shown on the application, including closures that do not block a low volume local street or rolling maintenance operations. Zooming in on the map will narrow the list of projects. Clicking on a project narrative will result in the map zooming to that project. The Street Closure Map is a work in progress, so if you have suggestions or comments please contact the Director of Public Works, Joe Terry, at 715-421-8255 or email [email protected]. The Street Closure Map compliments another municipal GIS (Geographic Information Systems) tool, which has been available for several years and is also undergoing updates. The City Viewer Lite shows compost sites, garbage routes, trails and paths, parks, polling places, aldermanic districts, developable City property, DNR wetland inventory, FEMA flood zones, zoning districts and more. You can view this information both city-wide and narrowed into a particular address or parcel. You can find this tool at: gis.wirapids.org/CityViewerLite/. For more information about City Viewer Lite, please visit the Maps and GIS webpage at wirapids.org/maps-gis or call them directly at 715-421-8252. Comments are closed.
January 2025