October 19th and November 2nd
City workers will help local residents prepare for fall yard maintenance with yard waste and leaf collection the weeks of October 19th – 23rd and November 2nd – 6th, 2020. We’d like to remind residents there is a new process for curbside collection. Yard waste and leaves must be in PAPER YARD WASTE BAGS only (plastic bags will not be accepted). Bags will be taken and composted, and not emptied at the curb and left to reuse. To prepare for these collections, residents must call the City Garage at (715) 421-8218 to place their address on the list for collection. For the October 19th collection, please call any time prior to the week of collection (no later than 2:00pm on Friday, October 16th), and place paper yard waste bags at the curb. For the November 2nd collection, please call by 2:00pm on Friday, October 30th, and place paper yard waste bags at the curb by Sunday, November 1st. Residents may also take their yard waste and/or leaves to the City’s two compost sites. Please visit the website at www.wirapids.org/ streets for locations and specific hours of operation. Please call the City Street Department at (715) 421-8218 with any questions. Comments are closed.
January 2025