High Street - 7th Ave N to 10th Ave N
City crews completed the majority of the topsoil restoration this week and the gravel is being shaped for final grade. Pember has some small portions of concrete to complete then the street will be ready for asphalt. Wastewater force main river crossing A-1 Excavating completed the retaining wall on Blue Heron Lane this week. Crews from Sommers Construction completed work on new concrete curb and gutter. Asphalt repair and topsoil restoration remain on Blue Heron Lane. West Side Lift Station Miron Construction began backfilling the sump well. Next week Miron plans to continue with backfilling and installing the inlet pipe and manhole. The project remains on-schedule for a February completion. Wisconsin River Green Space and Recreation Project This week Janke continued installing riverbank stabilization in the East Riverbank Conservancy. They also began construction on the shade structure in Demitz Park. Landscaper Revi Designs completed several plantings and installed landscape edging in Demitz Park. They also seeded and installed erosion mat in the park. Due to inclement weather, American Asphalt was not onsite this week. Next week Janke will continue pouring the concrete trail in the East Riverbank Conservancy. They also plan to work on building the shade structure in the park. American Asphalt is planning to be onsite, weather dependent, to pave the parking lot and driveway entrance to the park. High Street - 12th Ave N to 17th Ave N This week City crews began underground work between 13th Ave N and 14th Ave N. Residents along the 1300 block of High Street will not have direct access to their driveways during this stage of construction. Van Buren Street – 8th Ave N to 10th Ave N KS Energies completed the gas main replacement this week. City crews began final road grading in preparation for asphalt paving. Due to inclement weather, Pember was not onsite this week. 10th & 12th St Sidewalk Project 10th St. (Grove-Wood), Wood Ave (10th-12th) and 12th St (Wood-River Run) No work this week. Next week crews plan to shape the grade for new walk. Comments are closed.
January 2025