High Street – 7th Ave N to 10th Ave N
Storm sewer replacement on the first block of the project is complete, but not after cutting, scraping and hammering though rock. KS Energy also encountered rock during their excavations for the new gas main on 8th Ave N and High Street. Next week the City ditch crew will work in the 8th Ave N intersection replacing manholes. Then work can begin placing new storm sewer on the 800 block from 7th Ave N to 8th Ave N. Rock is not expected to be encountered for the remainder of the project. The Street remains closed from 7th Ave N to 10th Ave N with no driveway access to residents in the excavation area on the 700 and 800 blocks. Wastewater force main river crossing This week A1 Excavating finished the open cut trench work along 2nd Ave S heading south. Ellingson Trenchless is continuing the directional drilling beneath the Wisconsin River, hoping to have the pilot hole complete next week. When Ellingson has completed the directional drilling, a new 20” force main pipe will be pulled across the river. The river- crossing is expected to be complete by mid-July. Final connections and road closures near Blue Heron Ln, Pepper Ave, and Ridgewood Trail intersections are tentatively planned for the week of July 10th. West Side Lift Station No work this week as calculations are being done to evaluate the rock excavation required to facilitate the lift station structure. Work is expected to resume as soon as the geotechnical evaluations are complete. Wisconsin River Green Space and Recreation Project This week prime contractor Janke Construction, Inc. set forms to construct the trail and installed the sloped pavement under the Riverview Expressway bridge. The concrete trail was formed, poured and finished along portions of 3rd St S. They also began filling areas within Demitz Park for trail construction. Subcontractor Revi Design was onsite seeding and placing erosion mat over completed areas. Next week Janke will work on storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water lateral services. They also plan on completing the trail under the bridge. Trail construction within Demitz Park is slated to begin late next week. Subcontractor American Asphalt is scheduled (weather dependent) to pave Riverwood Lane next week. 1st St N – Poplar St to North City Limits City crews completed placing topsoil and seeding this week. Fencing the trail at the retaining wall and narrow portions of the trail is all that remains. This work is anticipated to be done next week. Washington St – 8th St N to 12th St N City crews are 90% done with the final restoration and should finish the work for this project next week. Comments are closed.
November 2024