High Street - 7th Ave N to 10th Ave N
No work this week. The final surface layer remains before this project is complete. American Asphalt is expected to complete paving by early November. The street remains closed although residents have access to their homes. Wastewater force main river crossing The surface layer of asphalt remains on Blue Heron Lane and at the intersection of Pepper and Ridgewood trail. West Side Lift Station Miron Construction continues work within the new sump well. Precision Grading completed the backfilling this week. Wisconsin River Green Space and Recreation Project This week prime contractor Janke Construction completed the concrete trail along the Wisconsin River and finished installing the concrete steps in East River Bank Conservancy (see photo). They also finished work on the sidewalk/trail along 2nd Street. The Janke crew worked on installing the wood decking on the fishing pier in Demitz Park and plan to begin the grading and installation of topsoil in the East Riverbank Conservancy. Subcontractor Revi Landscaping finished planting and restoration work in Demitz Park. They moved on to 3rd Street, working from Demitz Park to the north, continuing restoration work. Current Technologies was onsite installing the light post in Demitz Park. They also installed conduit within the East Riverbank Conservancy. Next week Janke will complete all of the concrete in the East Riverbank Conservancy, weather permitting. They will continue working on the fishing pier decking and topsoil placement and grading on the project. High Street - 12th Ave N to 17th Ave N This week City crews completed all the underground work for High Street. Pember will be back next week to continue work on the curb and sidewalk. City crews will begin topsoil restoration work. Van Buren Street – 8th Ave N to 10th Ave N Asphalt paving remains for this project. American Asphalt is expected to complete paving by early November. 10th & 12th St Sidewalk Project 10th St. (Grove-Wood), Wood Ave (10th-12th) and 12th St (Wood-River Run) Pember concentrated work efforts on this project this week as the weather was good for paving. About two- thirds of the project is complete. Pember plans to finish all the concrete work next week weather permitting. Topsoil restoration will follow. Comments are closed.
January 2025