Traffic signals fine-tuned along Riverview Expressway
Friday, December 14, 2018 - The City of Wisconsin Rapids Engineering Department has benefited from extensive feedback from area motorists, regarding the re-timing of traffic signals along Riverview Expressway in August. These communications have helped City staff to evaluate and fine-tune logjams in the signal timing, in order to further improve operations along the Riverview Expressway corridor. Adjustments include lengthier green light signals for left turns along the Expressway at 8th Street, 2nd Avenue South and West Grand Avenue. In addition, a review of visibility, accident history and current guidance documents led to the recent decision to remove the “No Turn on Red” signs at two intersections: the East Riverview Expressway and Plover Road (State Highway 54 and County Highway W) intersection near Home Depot; and the intersection of West Riverview Expressway and 2nd Avenue South. (Motorists are reminded that a red light at these right-turn lanes still requires they bring their vehicle to a stop to assess traffic and determine that it is safe to make the turn.) The Engineering Department welcomes and thanks area residents for their continual feedback and wishes everyone safe travels this holiday season. Comments are closed.
January 2025