![]() Wisconsin Rapids, WI – As COVID-19 continues to impact us locally, the Wood County Courthouse will be limiting access to the public effective Thursday, April 9, 2020, to only allow those with prescheduled meetings or appointments to enter the Courthouse. This is being done to preserve the health and safety of our staff, elected officials, and community members while continuing to maintain the ability to provide essential services. Limited court hearing and proceedings will continue to be held. “This decision was difficult to make as we know the services provided by Wood County are important for many community members. Services will continue to be provided as necessary but we asking that community members call or email before arriving to the Courthouse so we may reduce direct individual contact and continue to support the Governor’s ‘Safer At Home’ order,” stated Doug Machon, Wood County Board Chair. Staff are available by phone for appointments and questions. Limited court proceedings will continue as directed by the Circuit Court Judges. Those that have an appointment or a scheduled court proceeding are requested to arrive individually. Groups of people, including family members and/or support individuals of those seeking services, are requested not to accompany them at this time. For those needing to drop off paperwork or make payments, a locked drop-box is located at the entrance to the Courthouse. Please place all documents and/or payments in a sealed envelope and indicate the department to which your correspondence should be directed, your name, address, and account/parcel number. Direct lines for each County department located in the Courthouse who interface with the public are listed below: CHILD SUPPORT – Agency staff may be reached at 715-421-8430. The office will continue to process support payments and provide customer service. Payments can be made online, mailed, or placed in the drop-box at the Courthouse entrance. COUNTY CLERK – At this time, there will be no vehicle registration services or passport services offered. Marriage licenses and candidate filings will be done by appointment only. Election result reporting and canvassing will continue as scheduled. Please call 715-421-8460 with questions or to request an appointment. COURTS/CLERK OF COURTS - The Wood County Circuit Court will continue to operate in a limited capacity with priority on urgent cases. Less urgent matters are being rescheduled. The Clerk of Court office has suspended all in-person services. Those with questions related to court proceedings may contact the Courts by calling: Clerk of Circuit Court 715-421-8490 Branch 1 (Judge Potter) 715-421-8520 Branch 2 (Judge Brazeau) 715-421-8518 Branch 3 (Judge Wolf) 715-421-8415 DISTRICT ATTORNEY/VICTIM WITNESS - Physical access in limited to law enforcement personnel only. We encourage all other contact by telephone at 715-421-8515 (District Attorney) or 715-421-8580 (Victim Witness). EXTENSION – At this time programming is being offered remotely. Phone lines and emails are being monitored and responded to accordingly. Please call 715-421-8440 to leave a message or visit https://wood.extension.wisc.edu/staff-directory/ for specific staff contact information. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - The office is staffed, but not open to the public. Please call 715-421-8508. HUMAN RESOURCES - The Human Resources Department can be reached at 715-421-8457 or [email protected]. We are continuing to recruit for open positions. A list of current openings can be found at: https://careers.co.wood.wi.us/CyberWeb/. PLANNING & ZONING – The Planning & Zoning office has closed their public service counter in the Courthouse but remains fully staffed to answer questions or information needs of the public via telephone, email, and fax. Please call 715-421-8466. REGISTER OF DEEDS - The Register of Deeds can be reached at 715-421-8450. Documents will still be recorded as received. Copies of vital records are still able to be obtained through the mail and online through VitalChek. Applications can be found at: http://www.co.wood.wi.us/Departments/ROD/Certificates.aspx. SHERIFF’S DEPT. - The Wood County Sheriff’s Department has released the following press release in regards to changes in services: https://www.co.wood.wi.us/CurrentEvents.aspx?BlogPostID=656 Non-emergent matters can be directed to 715-421-8700. TREASURER - TREASURER - The Treasurer’s Office has closed their public service counter in the Courthouse but will remain fully staffed to answer questions or information needs of the public via telephone (715) 421-8484, email ([email protected]), and fax (715) 421-8481. Payments can be dropped off at the drop box located at the Courthouse front door by Security Services by check or money order. You can also make payments online at www.co.wood.wi.us/departments/treasurer with a credit/debit card or e-check (fees apply). If dropping off a payment, your payment must be in an envelope with your name and parcel number on it. A receipt will be mailed to you at a later date. VETERAN SERVICES - The Veteran Service Offices will serve the public though telephone, email, fax, and the US Mail until further notice. Please call 715-421-8420 (Wisconsin Rapids office) or 715-384-3773 (Marshfield office). A detailed list of services still being provided can be found at the Wood County website (http://www.co.wood.wi.us/ ). If you have questions or immediate needs related to COVID-19, call 2-1-1 or text COVID-19 to 211-211. Comments are closed.
January 2025